Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Pembahasan
Hello, apa kabar, Sahabat Media Edukasi? Menjelang pelaksanaan PTS, apa kalian sedang mencari contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 semester 2 dan jawabannya? Jawabannya pasti iya kan! Nah, admin mau beritahukan kabar gembira buat sobat-sobat yang duduk di bangku Kelas 8 SMP, kalau di artikel ini, bakalan ada pembahasan beberapa contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris semester 2.
For your information, materi UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 semester 2 terdiri dari KD 3.6 dan KD 3.7 atau dalam Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 mulai dari Chapter 6 dan 7.
Oke, jadi seperti apa bentuk contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 semester 2? Simak artikel Media Edukasi ini sampai habis, ya!
Contoh Soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
Agar bisa menjawab soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 semester 2, tentunya Anda perlu tahu materi yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Nah, materi-materi PTS Bahasa Inggris yang perlu Anda pelajari itu seperti notice, announcement, short message, comparison, recount text, dan descriptive texts. Jadi, Anda sebelumnya harus bisa menguasai konsep dari materi-materi yang telah disebutkan tersebut.
Anda bisa mempelajari materi-materi itu di website PenaGuru, dengan akses link PenaGuru – Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 8.
Oke, karena Anda telah mengetahui cakupan materi PTS Bahasa Inggris, langsung aja kita bahas contoh soal dan jawabannya. Untuk informasi, soal-soal ini diambil dari website PenaGuru.
Read the dialog and fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers from the choices given in each item.
1. Read carefully and find the answer!
The number of presenters participating in the congress was ...
A. more than 20 speakers
B. more than 300 people
C. translators
D. options a & b are correct
Jawaban: A. Penjelasannya adalah Speakers are people who deliver (give) presentation in the forum. The question asks a number of speakers participated in the congress. You can try answering by finding the word speakers first.
2. Read carefully and find who participate in the congress.
Find the answer that has a complete information about the participants:...
A. Language office
B. Lecturers
C. Students
D. Options b & c are correct
Jawaban: D. Penjelasannya adalah Find words that describe the occupation of the participants. There were many people participated in the congress and two of the groups were students and lecturers
Read carefully and find the answer number 3 - 4!
3. The language congress was held by ...
A. Speakers
B. language office
C. students
D. hotel management
Jawaban: B. Penjelasannya adalah Find what or who is holding the congress. It is mentioned in the first sentence using different word ‘held’.
4. The programme in the congress was ...
A. Paper presentation
B. Stakeholders
C. People
D. University students
Jawaban: A. Penjelasannya adalah find the word that belong to an activity not a person/people. This asks an activity in the congress.
5. If you want to make a notice that asks people not to step on the grass, the notice will show the following phrase ....
A. No littering.
B. Keep off the grass.
C. Please you do not step on the green grass.
D. No walking.
Jawaban: B. Penjelasannya adalah Notice does not use a complete sentence. It starts with an infinitive verb. Option A and option D is not asking people to not step on the grass. Option C is asking people to not step on the grass but it is in the form of a complete sentence.
6. If you want to make a notice to inform people that your store is closed every Saturday and Sunday, the notice says ...
A. Closed on weekend
B. We are closed on weekend. Please come again next time.
C. We are on holiday on Sunday and Saturday.
D. The store is closed on the weekend.
Jawaban: A. Penjelasannya adalah Notice does not use complete sentence without subject. Option B, C, and D are in the form of complete sentence.
7. Choose the sentence that is NOT appropriate to be an opening sentence of an announcement:...
Jawaban: D. Penjelasannya adalah The opening sentence of an announcement should be attractive to get the reader`s attention. The opening sentence of an announcement should be attractive to get the reader`s attention. Option D is not appropriate because it is the form of long complete sentence.
8. Read carefully and then answer the question!
Cheryl, do not forget to bring my umbrella again. I really need it. Thanks. Judith.
The type of the functional text above is ...
A. Announcement
B. Cooking instructions
C. Short message
D. Notice
Jawaban: C. Penjelasannya adalah Short message is a functional text we use send important messages to other people. The text is about sending the writer`s important message to a certain addressee, Cheryl.
9. Find the part that you do not need to write in your short message: ...
A. your name
B. your address
C. your message recipient
D. your message.
Jawaban: B. Penjelasannya adalah In writing short message, you only write your message recipient, your important message, and your name. You do not need to write your address in your short message because in writing short message, you only write your message recipient, your important message, and your name.
10. When you want to say warn people to not sit on the bench because its color is still wet, your notice will be ...
Jawaban: D. Penjelasannya adalah A notice telling the paint of the bench is still wet. Option A, B, C, are notices but not telling the paint of the bench is still wet.
Nah, itu beberapa contoh soal PTS UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 semester 2 dan jawabannya. Semoga bisa membantu Anda mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris nantinya. Semangat, ya!
Jangan lupa untuk akses link PenaGuru – Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 agar bisa belajar materi, contoh soal, dan pembahasan PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8.
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