Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 dan Pembahasan
Hello, apa kabar, Sahabat Media Edukasi? Menjelang pelaksanaan PTS, apa kalian sedang mencari contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 dan jawabannya? Jawabannya pasti iya kan! Nah, admin mau beritahukan kabar gembira buat sobat-sobat yang duduk di bangku kelas 7 SMP, kalau di artikel ini, bakalan ada pembahasan beberapa contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris semester 2.
Sebagai informasi, materi UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 terdiri dari KD 3.5 dan KD 3.6 atau dalam Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 mulai dari Chapter 5 dan 6.
Oke, jadi seperti apa bentuk contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2? Simak artikel ini sampai habis, ya!
Contoh Soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
Agar bisa menjawab soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2, tentunya Anda perlu tahu materi yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Nah, materi-materi PTS Bahasa Inggris yang perlu Anda pelajari itu seperti expressions of agreeing and disagreeing, clarification and appreciation, short functional texts, dan describing things. Jadi, Anda sebelumnya harus bisa menguasai konsep dari materi-materi yang telah disebutkan tersebut.
Anda bisa mempelajari materi-materi itu di website PenaGuru, dengan akses link PenaGuru – Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 7.
Oke, karena Anda telah mengetahui cakupan materi PTS Bahasa Inggris, langsung aja kita bahas contoh soal dan jawabannya. Untuk informasi, soal-soal ini diambil dari website PenaGuru.
Read the dialog and fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers from the choices given in each item.
Items 1-3 are based on the dialog on ‘School Party’.
1. Tara: Wait, Theo. (1) ... Today is 15th, so we’ve only got 10 days before the due day.
A. you are wrong
B. you are my friend
C. you are right
D. I agree with you
Jawaban: A. Penjelasannya adalah Tara disagrees with Theo by claiming that they have only 10 instead of 20 days before the party.
2. Diana: Yes. (2) ..., Casey.
A. you are wrong
B. Yes, you are
C. No, you are not
D. you are right
Jawaban: D. Penjelasannya adalah Diana is expressing agreement on Casey’s previous statement.
3. Lolita: (3) ... I think chicken curry and soup simply do not go together.
A. I agree
B. I disagree
C. I am with you
D. I go along with you
Jawaban: B. Penjelasannya adalah the statement following the phrase denies that curry and soup can go together as the main dishes.
4. Which one the following response is suitable?
Thank you for your help. ....
A. I truly appreciate it
B. I don’t appreciate it
C. It is not appropriate
D. It really is appropriate
Jawaban: A. Penjelasannya adalah He is thanking to show an appreciation. Expression of appreciation can go together with expression of thank you.
5. Which one the following response is suitable?
.... that you can come today.
A. I’m so great
B. I’m so sad
C. I’m so grateful
D. I’m forever full
Jawaban: C. Penjelasannya adalah He appreciates that his friend can come. When people do something for you, show appreciation as part of being gratitude (being thankful).
6. When we are ... we need to speak in a formal language. The right social context is ....
A. chatting with friends
B. speaking with family
C. discussing in a seminar
D. talking with friends via telephone
Jawaban: C. Penjelasannya adalah Basically, we talk with our friends in casual language. Formal situation are special occasion like meetings, seminars, or teaching in the classroom. However, we speak with our family or friends in casual ways.
7. Choose the right example of a formal way to offer clarification: ....
A. Any questions?
B. You got it?
C. Is that clear?
D. Do you understand?
Jawaban: A. Penjelasannya adalah in a formal way of offering clarification, we can ask if the audiences have something to question. In a situation like seminar or classroom, it is formal for the speaker asking “Any question?”. It is to confirm, whether the audience gets the message clearly.
Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.
Question number 8 to 10 is based on the following text.
8. What is the function of the living room
A. the writer’s favourite part at home
B. the writer’s place to entertain guess and spend time with family
C. the writers’ comfy and neatly room at house
D. the writers’ excellence design
Jawaban: B. Penjelasannya adalah The function of the living room can be found at the Identification stage when the writer introduces the descriptive topic. In the second sentence, the author says,” We use it as the place to entertain guests and spend time with family”. The function of the living room is explicitly stated as the place to entertain guests and spend time with family.
9. What is designed with the style of excellence
A. the living room
B. the floor
C. the wall
D. the green rug
Jawaban: A. Penjelasannya adalah the details description of the design refers to the main topic (living room) after the authour introduces it in the identification. In the third sentence, the author says, “The living room is comfy and neatly designed with the style of excellence”. The information can be found directly from the sentence that the living room is designed with the style of excellence. Therefore, option (A) is correct.
10. What is “it “* in the sentence *“In the middle of the room, there is a green rug with a small coffee table on top of it.” refers to......**
A. The room
B. A green rug
C. A small coffee
D. A table
Jawaban: B. Penjelasannya adalah It is an explicit information that can be found directly in the passage. The answer is the subject of the sentence after introductory there. In line 5, the author writes, “there is a green rug with a small coffee table on top of it.” The subject is a green rug.
Akhir Kata
Nah, itu beberapa contoh soal PTS UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 dan jawabannya. Semoga bisa membantu Anda mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris nantinya. Semangat, ya!
Jangan lupa untuk akses link PenaGuru – Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 agar bisa belajar materi, contoh soal, dan pembahasan PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7.
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